Alan I. Appel ’76
Professor of Law
Director, International Tax Program

Contact Information
T 212.324.6554
Faculty Assistant
Ashley Oliver
T 212.431.2147
New York University, LL.M. 1980; New York Law School, J.D. 1976; Baruch College, B.B.A 1973
Alan I. Appel specializes in international and domestic tax planning involving taxation of mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, and limited liability companies, as well as tax controversy matters. Prior to joining New York Law School, Professor Appel began his career as a trial attorney in the Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service in Washington, D.C. and New York City. On behalf of the American Bar Association (ABA) Tax Section, Professor Appel had the primary responsibility for drafting and submitting comments to the U.S. Treasury Department and IRS concerning the scope of the guidance provided by proposed regulations under Section 1446 of the Internal Revenue Code. He was also asked by the Office of the Chief Counsel to train its attorneys on this issue. Professor Appel published four articles on the Section 1446 regulations in The Journal of International Taxation,Tax Management Memorandum, and the Tax Management International Journal.
Professor Appel is on the Board of Advisors for the Journal of International Taxation. He has published articles in Tax Notes, Tax Notes Today, Tax Notes State, Tax Notes International, The Journal of Taxation, Tax Management Memorandum, Tax Management International Journal, The Journal of International Taxation, the New York Law Journal, and the Westchester Bar Journal. He was formerly Council Director of the U.S. Activities of Foreigners and Tax Treaties Committee, the Foreign Activities of U.S. Taxpayers Committee, the Transfer Pricing Committee, and the Foreign Lawyers Forum, all committees of the ABA Tax Section. He was also the Chair of the U.S. Activities of Foreigners and Tax Treaties Committee of the ABA Tax Section. He is a Fellow of the American College of Tax Counsel.
Professor Appel has appeared on radio and television to discuss income tax issues. He was featured in “Taxpayers Strained by New FATCA Requirements” in, a leading provider of online business news for the tax and accounting community, concerning the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act’s new requirements.
Professor Appel began his career in academia as an adjunct professor at NYLS in 2009 and joined the faculty full-time in 2013. He joined NYLS after spending 13 years as Counsel at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP (formerly Bryan Cave LLP).
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