
This course is an introduction to the rules governing civil liability for breach of duty causing harm or injury to persons and property.


This course is an introduction to the rules governing civil liability for breach of duty causing harm or injury to persons and property.

The course covers intentional torts such as assault, battery, and intentional infliction of mental distress, and defenses such as consent, self-defense, and protection of property. The focus is on liability for injuries caused by negligent conduct. Topics include standard of care, scope of duty to others, proof of causation, apportionment of liability among the parties, limitation of liability due to remote or unforeseen causes, and the evolution of defenses including contributory negligence, assumption of risk and comparative fault. Also covered are the development of strict liability theories and an introduction to products liability.

This required course is part of the Core Curriculum. All students must complete this course during their first year. Concepts introduced in this course are heavily tested on the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), Multistate Essay Exam (MEE) and New York Law Exam (NYLE).

4 Credits


Business and Financial Services

Intellectual Property and Privacy

Government and Public Interest Law

General Practice / Chart Your Path





Graduation Requirements