NYLS Blood Drive

February 2024

wed21febAll Daythu22NYLS Blood Drive

Event Details

Sign up today.

Wednesday February 21, 2024

11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Second Floor Events Center

Donate blood and help save lives! New York Law School is hosting a blood drive conducted by the New York Blood Center (NYBC). Following a holiday season of low donor turnout and recent inclement winter weather, blood centers are facing critical blood shortages and urgently need donors. 

If you would like to volunteer at the blood drive, please reach out to studentlife@nyls.edu

Co-sponsored by the NYLS student organizations: Family and Matrimonial Society, National Lawyers Guild, Student Bar Association, and Womxn of Color Collective

For more information about donating blood, review these resources from the New York Blood Center.
Donor Eligibility information
Donor FAQ page
NYBC Instagram