State and Local Government
This course surveys the major legal and governmental issues of state and local government, emphasizing historical antecedents and current problems. Topics include sources and limitations of police and regulatory powers; structure, annexation, and boundary changes; home rule theory and practice; state preemption; taxing, financing powers, and tort liability of state and local government; and state and federal limitations on such matters as patronage, conflicts of interest, and licensing. The course offers a national perspective, but uses applicable New York State precedents. Short written papers may be assigned.
This upper-level substantive course surveys the major legal and governmental issues of state and local government, emphasizing historical antecedents and current problems. Materials presented in this course are tested on the New York Law Exam (NYLE).
This course can be taken as a stand-alone course and is also the co-requisite seminar for students enrolled in the New York City Law Department Tort Litigation Defense Field Placement.
Recommended for the following Professional Pathways: Government/Public Sector; General Practice – Litigation/Dispute Resolution; General Practice – Transactional; Law Through a Different Lens – History and Humanities
2 Credits