In this co-curricular course, NYLS students are responsible for editing and source-checking each article that is selected for publication in The Family Law Quarterly (FLQ).
Anatomy of New York State Divorce Action
This course deals with the substantive and procedural laws and policy related to a divorce action in New York State, guiding students from initial interview through final argument.
Cyberharassment Clinic
The Cyberharassment Clinic provides an unprecedented opportunity for 2L and 3L day and 3L and 4L evening students to represent victims of online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn under the direct supervision of a faculty member and experienced practitioner.
Domestic Violence and the Law
This course explores the response of the legal system to the problem of domestic violence, through state and federal criminal laws against domestic violence, including the federal Violence Against Women Act.
Education Law Clinic
In the Education Law Clinic, students are trained to practice education law in New York City at various firms and nonprofit agencies, under the supervision of civil rights and education law attorneys who are NYLS adjunct faculty.
Elder Law Clinic: Planning for Aging, Illness, and Special Needs
In this clinic, students will assist clients with estate planning, adult guardianships, and/or needs-based public benefits, and work in partnership with community members to provide education and develop advocacy related to the issues of aging, illness, and special needs.
Family Law
This substantive, foundational course deals with the laws, regulations, and policies impacting the family and its relationship to the government.
Family Law Clinic
In this clinic, students will interview clients, draft documents, conduct legal research, and engage in community outreach, as they experience Family Court practice and learn more about the Family Court Act and a range of family law matters.
Family Law in Practice
This is an experiential course designed to teach the basics of family law doctrine through two extended simulations, while developing students’ research, writing and lawyering skills.
Free to Be Youth Project Legal Clinic (LGBTQ)
The Free to Be Youth Project Legal Clinic (LGBTQ) in partnership with the Free to Be Youth Project (FYP) of the Urban Justice Center is a one-semester clinic open to 2Ls and 3Ls.