Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law

The Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law is committed to utilizing the law and legal education to advance social justice, promote the practice of public interest law, and expand the role of public interest law in the professional development of NYLS students.

Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law

The Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law is committed to utilizing the law and legal education to advance social justice, promote the practice of public interest law, and expand the role of public interest law in the professional development of New York Law School students.

Upcoming Impact Center for Public Interest Law Events

Current Month

The Center uses a wide range of tools to advance its goals, including academic programs, events, publications, experiential opportunities, advocacy and policy initiatives, and fellowships.

The Center also shares space with NYLS’s Office of Public Interest and Pro Bono Initiatives, a “one-stop” resource for students seeking public interest-focused academic and career advising, and it is part of NYLS’s Social Justice Hub, home to this advising operation and space for a number of outside partner nonprofits.

For Students

All students are welcome to join the Center as affiliates. Affiliating allows students to engage in public interest law practice and expand their networks in the field. Those committed to social justice and interested in becoming highly skilled public interest advocates and public servants are encouraged to apply.

Learn more about joining the Center and apply.

Faculty Leadership

Richard Marsico
Professor of Law
Director, Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law

Andrew Scherer
Visiting Associate Professor of Law
Policy Director, Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law

Swati Parikh
Adjunct Professor
Assistant Dean, Office of Public Service and Pro Bono Initiatives


The Center sponsors conferences, CLE programs, panel discussions, roundtable discussions, symposia, workshops, and much more. The Center also hosts Impact Today!, a weekly series highlighting how current events impact civil rights and civil liberties.


The Center offers several publications:

  • Guide for pro se litigants
  • LGBT Law Notes, a publication of the Lesbian and Gay Law Association of Greater New York that reports on lesbian/gay and AIDS-related legal developments. Professor Arthur Leonard is Editor.

The Center also sponsors The Clinical Law Teaching & Practice eJournal, part of the Social Science Research Network. View e-journal articles.

Institutes and Projects

Partner Nonprofits

NYLS shares space with outside nonprofit organizations, allowing for the open exchange of ideas and collaborative social justice-focused projects involving faculty, students, and outside partners. These partners are part of the School’s Social Justice Hub.

5BORO Institute
The 5BORO Institute is a cutting-edge think tank that will advance fiscally responsible, equitable and creative solutions to New York City’s most challenging problems.

Ethical Shareholder Initiative
The Ethical Shareholder Project is a nonprofit that is building a platform for shareholders to make voting decisions with ethical, social, and environmental considerations in mind. 

Fair and Just Prosecution
Fair and Just Prosecution enables a new generation of leaders to move beyond incarceration-driven approaches and develop policies that promote a smarter and more equitable justice system grounded in fairness, equity, compassion, and fiscal responsibility.

Fines & Fees Justice Center
The Fines & Fees Justice Center seeks to restore integrity to our justice system by eliminating the harmful and unjust impacts of fines and fees.

Safe Passage Project
The Safe Passage Project, founded by Professor Lenni Benson, is a nonprofit immigration legal services organization providing free lawyers to refugee and immigrant children in the New York City-area who face deportation back to life-threatening situations, despite their strong legal claim to stay in the United States.


Wilf Impact Center for Public Interest Law •  T 212.431.2314  •  wilfimpactcenter@nyls.edu